Long Form

Required information for various forms

Name as you are registered to vote

Residence Information

The following section is not required but may be required if you select Yes to certain questions and forms below.

Candidate's Statement of Qualifications

As a candidate, you have the option to file a written statement of your qualifications and reasons for running for this office. This statement will be published in The County Voter Information Guide and mailed to all registered voters in the election. There is an extra fee for filing the Candidate Statement. The fee is collected at the time of filing your Nomination Documents and is an estimation of the cost to print a statement. Actual costs will be calculated once the election is certified and the candidate will be issued an invoice if the actual cost exceeds this estimate or a refund if the actual cost is less than this estimate. Please review the Candidate Statement Fees to see what the fee is for this statement and review the Candidate's Statement of Qualifications to see information about statements printed in the County Voter Information Guide.


Estimated Word Count: 0

Code of Fair Campaign Practices

This document is optional to complete. Please review the Code of Fair Campaign Practices. If you sign the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, you agree to conduct a clean and fair campaign.

If you select Yes, the Code of Fair Campaign Practices Form will be made available for you to sign at your Nomination Documents Appointment in the Registrar of Voters office.